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About Termites


Are they ants or termites?

  • For clues to help distinguish termites from ants, examine the insects' wings, waist and antennae. While both insects have two pairs of wings, termite wings are relatively equal in size. Ant wings tend to be longer in front and shorter in back.
  • Ants also have a narrow, pinched waist. Termites' waists are thicker and less distinct.
  • In addition, ants' antennae are elbowed, while termites' are straight.

When do Termites Swarm?

  • Termites swarm at various times each year according to geographic regions, species of termite and weather conditions.
  • Most subterranean termites normally swarm in the daytime - usually mid-day - when it is sunny and often, right after it rains.
  • Formosan termites, the most voracious species of termites, are a notable exception to this rule. They typically swarm in the early evening.

What are Formosan Termites?

  • Formosan termites are more aggressive than other subterranean termite species, and reproduce faster.
  • A large Formosan colony is capable of consuming wood much faster than other subterranean termites. They've been known to chew through lead, asphalt, plaster, mortar, rubber and plastic to get to underlying wood.
  • Formosan colonies live in nests, or cartons, which are often underground, but may be located above ground where the termites survive without soil contact.

How do I Know if my Home has a Termite Infestation?

  • Live termites in or around windows and doorframes.
  • Mud tunnels, which often disappear into cracks of masonry, in and around doors and window frames or along siding.
  • Hollow-sounding walls, baseboards and floors.
  • Bulging walls -- above ground carton nests of Formosan termites can make inside walls bulge.
  • Dead termites or termite wings.

Tips to Reduce the Likelihood of Termite Infestation

  • Maintain landscaped areas a few feet away from the foundation of the structure.
  • Keep firewood stacked away from the structure.
  • Keep crawl spaces and basements clear of wood debris and excess moisture
  • Fix faulty drainage and any plumbing or roof leaks that cause moisture to accumulate.
  • Routinely check in and around the structure for mud tubes, discarded termite wings and general signs of termite activity.
  • If adding a room or deck to the structure, make sure the wood used has been "treated" to discourage termites.

If you witness any telltale signs, you should contact us for FREE Inspection of your home for termites. You may need the Sentricon® Termite Colony Elimination System.

Termite Problem in the South

Anyone who owns property in the United States lives under the constant threat of expensive subterranean termite damage. Only Alaskans can escape it.

Map of US


Because you live in the South – where the subterranean termite threat is heaviest overall – chances are you have a termite problem. According to the University of Florida, termite damage and control costs in Florida exceed $500 million annually.

City Number of Homes With a Subterranean Termite Problem
Miami, Florida 1 in 8
Jackson, Mississippi 1 in 9
Houston, Texas 1 in 10
New Orleans, Louisana 1 in 11
Florence, South Carolina 1 in 14
Atlanta, Georgia 1 in 14
Columbia, South Carolina 1 in 15
Charlotte, North Carolina 1 in 22
Nashville, Tennessee 1 in 28
Birmingham, Alabama 1 in 28
Jackson, Tennessee 1 in 48

If you have seen any of the termite warning signs or your home is at risk, call us to schedule a termite inspection. Or fill our FREE Inspection form and we will contact you within 24 hours.

Source: National Panel Diary

The Subterranean Termite Colony

The termites most likely to attack your home are subterranean termites. Eastern, Western, Desert, and Formosan Subterraneans are four species commonly seen in the United States All are social insects that live in large, underground colonies. Although they could number in the millions, you might never see them or any evidence of them until you discover that they’ve done serious damage to your home.

King and Queen
At least one king and queen are at the center of every termite colony. The queen’s sole purpose is to reproduce. Some live for as long as 30 years.

Queens can lay thousands of eggs every year. Eggs hatch into nymphs.

While in the nymph state, termites diverge into different castes: workers, soldiers, reproductives, and supplementary reproductives.

Workers are blind, wingless termites that maintain the colony, build and repair the nest and tubes, forage for food, and care for the other termites. They are the most numerous caste and the most likely to be found in infested wood.

Soldiers are sterile, wingless, and blind. Their sole function is to defend the colony.

Winged Reproductives
These termites will eventually leave the colony as adult Swarmers. After swarming, they shed their wings and pair up Each male-female pair attempts to start a new colony.

Supplementary Reproductives
These termites help increase the population of established colonies and can serve as replacements for the king or queen if they should die.

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