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Pest Library
Fleas & Ticks


  • Fleas are pests of humans and domestic animals all over the world.
  • Flea larva feed on organic debris and fecal blood.
  • Adult fleas and ticks feed on human or other animal blood.
  • Fleas transmit several diseases such as plague and Murine Typhus.
  • Fleas were responsible for the black plague that killed over 100 million people in the 14 century.

Where fleas can hide indoors


Carpets, rugs, floor tile joints, furniture, cracks between wood flooring, pet bedding, pet resting spots, even under furniture cushions. And while adult fleas are most obvious, pre-adult fleas can account for as much as 99% of an infestation. These young of a typical population. Fleas are just waiting to grow into another infestation. That’s why fleas must be stopped in all four life cycle stages—egg, larva, pupa and adult.

How you can help

Even though your pest control professional has everything under control, your help is also needed. Here are specific steps you should take before and after a flea treatment.

  • Vacuum all rugs, carpets and furniture—especially between and under cushions. Then seal or dispose of the vacuum bag in an outside receptacle.
  • Clean and clear all floors, even closet floors. Mop all file and vinyl floors. Sweep all concrete floors.
  • Remove all decorative items, pillows, pet food, water dishes and children’s toys from under beds and furniture.
  • Remove all pets. Fish bowls and aquariums may remain if properly covered and the air pump is shut off during treatment, but ask your pest control professional for specific directions.
  • Wash or dispose of all pet bedding. If laundering, wash pet bedding separately from other linens.
  • Mow your lawn and make sure everything on the ground outside has been removed.
  • Show your pest control professional where your pets sleep, rest and eat.
  • Request Free Inspection from LANE'S!


Brown dog tick

  • Brown Dog Ticks are one of the most widely distributed ticks in the world.
  • The most common host is the domestic dog and is virtually restricted to this host in the United States.
  • Ticks can transmit Lyme disease.
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