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Most Common Type of Ants

Fire Ants
Fire Ant

Fire Ants are a significant health threat due to their stings. Regular applications outdoors to lawn and foundations are often necessary because re infestation from neigh­boring properties is common. The key is location and treatment of all mounds. Mounds can he treated by drenching or with baits. Application of fire ant bait to the entire lawn helps limit reinfestation of treated areas. A perimeter treatment helps to prevent their entry into homes. DEMON TC insecticide mixed at the rate of 1~f ounces to 50 gallons of water is the most economic drench. Knockdown is achieved within 30 minutes. Be sure to thoroughly sat­urate the mound and the area with­in 4 feet of the mound.

Argentine Ants
Argentine Ant

Argentine Ants aggressively reinfest treated areas from sur­rounding properties. After finding and treating colonies, a perimeter treatment in a 6-10 foot hand needs to he applied along the foundation and at the edge of the property. If colonies cannot be located, Argentine ants can he controlled using commercially available baits.

Pharaoh Ants
Pharaoh Ant

Pharaoh Ants can only be effectively controlled through a comprehensive baiting program. Treatment with residual insecticides actually makes the infesta­tion worse. Perimeter treatments outdoors, however, are often nec­essary in southern states to pre­vent reinfestation from outside sources.

Carpenter Ants
Carpenter Ant

Carpenter Ants can only be controlled by finding and treating their colonies located in voids and wood. These ants do not respond to baits. In areas where carpenter ants are abun­dant, perimeter treatments with COMMODORE help pre­vent ants from entering. Applications to the base of trees where colonies are located are also helpful.

Control of an ant infestation depends on finding and treating the colony. Different ants have different preferences on where to live. This is why identification is so important. Knowledge of an ants biology provides clues on where to look.

Basics of Ant Control
Usual Ant

Ant are wondrous creatures and one of the most successful animals on earth. In nature, ants are a prime food source for many animals.

They aerate more soil than earthworms, they have taken advantage of every con­ceivable environmental niche and can he found in every region of the world except the polar caps.

Ants are successful because they are social insects often forming complex colonies. Certain species of ants are specialized in their behavior, for example, living on only one type of tree. Many other species are very adaptable and exploit numerous differ­ent living environments and food sources.

The presence of ants in nature ensures the health of the natural environment. In homes and other buildings, however, ants are not so welcome. The same reasons ants are successful in nature makes them very well suited to sharing man’s living quarters.

Structures can he threatened by damage from carpenter ants. Pharaoh ants can carry disease organisms. The stings of fire ants can threaten a person’s health.

Controlling ants in struc­tures need not be so difficult. To he successful, one must follow a few basic rules:

  1. Identify the ant or ants involved.
  2. Perform a thorough inspection.
  3. Determine where the ant colonies are located.
  4. Treat the ant colonies directly.

It is not always possible to find where the ant colony is located. In this case, bait insecticides can he effective.

The pharaoh ant is controlled almost exclusively with baits. Other ants, such as carpenter ants and crazy ants are very difficult, if not impossible, to control using baits.

Too much reliance on baits to control ants can often lead to failure which can result in customers dissatis­fied with the service. Finding and treating ant colonies directly provides a the best results.

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