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How Does the Sentricon* Termite Colony Elimination System Work?

Here Are the Steps to Termite Colony Elimination.


First, your home will be inspected for signs of termites. Then, Sentricon* stations will be placed in the soil around your home.

Sentricon stations placed in the soil


The stations will be checked regularly for termite activity.

stations being checked


When termites are found in a station, they will be transferred to a Baitube™ device containing Recruit™ II termite bait. The Baitube will then be placed in that station.

Baitube™ device


The captured termites will feed on Recuit II termite bait, tunnel out and send other colony nestmates back to feed on the bait. This is called trophallaxis – the exchange of chemical messages, as well as nutrients, between colony members. It allows termites to spread hexaflumuron – the active ingredient in Recruit II – throughout the colony. As nestmates feed on the bait, the colony starts to decline and is eliminated.

Recuit II termite bait


After a colony has been eliminated, the bait will be replaced with new monitoring devices. Your Authorized Operator will continue to inspect these regularly to discover any new colonies that might invade your property.

bait being replaced

It really works! Our specialist will demonstrate the effectiveness of the Sentricon System and its components.

* Trademark of Dow AgroSciences LLS

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